PSYN Inc. •
Oct 8, 2024
Cosmic Erogenous Zone: Libra Season x The Bottom Line.
Madi Murphy, PSYN's Cosmic Consultant
Did you also know that every zodiac sign is associated with a body part? And, how fun for us, Libra actually rules the lower spine and buttocks.
Did you know the butt cheeks can be an often overlooked part of foreplay? Engaging this part of your partner's body – or requesting they do it to you – can add a lot of erotic value to your next romp. A good ol' fashioned squeeze or spank can do the trick, but also don't overlook what I call “the undercut,” aka that space where your crease meets your hamstrings. Whether you use your hands, fingernails, or a feather this is a fantastic way to tickle and tease the tush in a way that will exponentially increase the ecstasy for all.
So, enjoy these cheeky moves this Libra Season and take your next steamy session to the celestial level!