PSYN Staff
Sep 21, 2024
NapLab released a study that revealed which states have the best sex, and which have the worst.
We’re diving into the juicy details of a recent study by NapLab that reveals which states are having the best sex – versus which are having the worst.
In this eye-opening nationwide survey, folks were asked to rate their intimate lives on a scale from 1 to 10. The results? A rather disappointing average of 4.77. Yikes! That’s a failing grade by most standards.
To add a little spice to the stats, a staggering 23.6% of Americans admitted to giving their sex life a dismal score of just 1. Meanwhile, only 10.6% could boast about achieving that perfect 10.

So, where are the best and worst places for passion? Drumroll, please! Virginia, New Mexico, and Alaska are bringing up the rear with the lowest ratings.
As for the best? There’s a shining star on the map: Oklahoma takes the crown for having the best sex life in the country. Looks like there’s more than just a catchy name to love about the Sooner State!
Want to learn more? Check out the study here.